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A/8 = 3/4 what is the value of A​

A/8 = 3/4 what is the value of A​


can someone please help me find the answer to the following

can someone please help me find the answer to the following


1/2 + 2/5 hope this help you people

1/2 + 2/5 hope this help you people


How did chandragupta contribute to the unification of northern india? he forced everyone to convert to buddhism.he created a bureaucracy.he traded goods for coi

How did chandragupta contribute to the unification of northern india? he forced everyone to convert to buddhism.he created a bureaucracy.he traded goods for coins.he applied the buddhist philosophy to his government?


Australia and New Zealand were colonized by a. France. b. Great Britain. c. China. d. Spain.

Australia and New Zealand were colonized by a. France. b. Great Britain. c. China. d. Spain.


X³-x is divisible by 3​. try to generalise each of the statement above. prove ur generalisation

X³-x is divisible by 3​. try to generalise each of the statement above. prove ur generalisation


Which of the following molecules contains both ionic and covalent bonds ? 1) C5H12 2) NaClO₄ 3) CaCl₂ 4) H₂O

Which of the following molecules contains both ionic and covalent bonds ? 1) C5H12 2) NaClO₄ 3) CaCl₂ 4) H₂O


Which term best characterizes Gina's father's situation?

Which term best characterizes Gina's father's situation?


What is a sport that uses foot eye coordination ? * soccer baseball ultimate frisbee lacrosse

What is a sport that uses foot eye coordination ? * soccer baseball ultimate frisbee lacrosse


describe the 3 types of art often found within roman houses

describe the 3 types of art often found within roman houses


Isabella spends $4.87 on paintbrushes and paint. How many of each item does she buy? $0.99 each for a jar of paint. $0.95 each for a paintbrush

Isabella spends $4.87 on paintbrushes and paint. How many of each item does she buy? $0.99 each for a jar of paint. $0.95 each for a paintbrush


When you agree with an author's points, which approach are you using? group of answer choices a. Defend.b. Challenge.c. Qualify.d. Quantify.

When you agree with an author's points, which approach are you using? group of answer choices a. Defend.b. Challenge.c. Qualify.d. Quantify.


Aim: What was the outcome of the Civil War and how did it impact the United States? Do Now: What battle began the Civil War? Why was the Battle of Antietam sign

Aim: What was the outcome of the Civil War and how did it impact the United States? Do Now: What battle began the Civil War? Why was the Battle of Antietam significant? Lincoln Suspended the Writ of Habeas Corpus (no due process of law. Jailed traitors without a court decision.) This breaks individual liberties. Lincoln justified his actions in order to “preserve” the Union. The Emancipation Proclamation 1863, freed all slaves in areas of rebellion, which was more of a symbolic action Many criticized it for not freeing all slaves, but it did add a humanitarian objective to the war Q: Research the significance of the Emancipation Proclamation. How did this change the cause of the war? Prevented foreign powers from involvement Shift from perserving to union to freeing the slaves (moral) The Gettysburg Address 1863 Lincoln dedicated the cemetery and his short speech summarized the meaning and importance of the war Gettysburg Address: Read this & explain what Lincoln's message was. The Gettysburg Address full text delivered by President Abraham Lincoln at the dedication of the Soldier’s National Cemetery at the scene of the Battle Of Gettysburg of the American Civil War on November 19, 1863. "Four score and seven years ago our fathers brought forth on this continent, a new nation, conceived in Liberty, and dedicated to the proposition that all men are created equal. Now we are engaged in a great civil war, testing whether that nation, or any nation so conceived and dedicated, can long endure. We are met on a great battle-field of that war. We have come to dedicate a portion of that field, as a final resting place for those who here gave their lives that that nation might live. It is altogether fitting and proper that we should do this. But, in a larger sense, we can not dedicate — we can not consecrate — we can not hallow — this ground. The brave men, living and dead, who struggled here, have consecrated it, far above our poor power to add or detract. The world will little note, nor long remember what we say here, but it can never forget what they did here. It is for us the living, rather, to be dedicated here to the unfinished work which they who fought here have thus far so nobly advanced. It is rather for us to be here dedicated to the great task remaining before us — that from these honored dead we take increased devotion to that cause for which they gave the last full measure of devotion — that we here highly resolve that these dead shall not have died in vain — that this nation, under God, shall have a new birth of freedom — and that government of the people, by the people, for the people, shall not perish from the earth." End of the War The Battle of Gettysburg was the last time the South invaded the North. After that the South fought a defensive war The war ended in 1865 with General Lee’s surrender at Appomattox Court House (VA) General Lee wanted to give it one more shot but the arrival of Union infantry, however, stopped the advance in its tracks. Lee's army was now surrounded on three sides. Lee surrendered to Grant on April 9. This was the final engagement of the war in Virginia. By the end of the war the South was devastated. Closure Question: How did the Civil War bring temporary and lasting changes to American Society? It freed all of the black men and ended the issue over slavery, but the South's economy was destroyed while the North's economy boomed. What would you do? If you were a Northerner after the Civil War, Would you treat the southerners as enemies or as friends and why? End of the War/Civil War Amendments: 13th Amendment (1865) Ended Slavery 14th Amendment (1868) Granted CITIZENSHIP to newly freed 15th Amendment (1870) Gave newly freed the Right to vote US History & Government Mrs. Aliani Use the review book pages to answer the following questions. When you complete all the questions please hand in. This will be graded as a test. The Reconstructed Nation – Plans for Reconstruction Identify: Reconstruction Explain Lincoln’s Plan for Reconstruction Explain Johnson’s Plan for reconstruction Who were the Radical Republicans and what was their Plan for Reconstruction (List 3 chief features) Why did white southerners resent Radical Reconstruction? Identify & Define: Scalawags, Carpetbaggers, 13th, 14th, 15th Amendments End of Reconstruction Define & explain the “return” of the SOLID SOUTH. Explain the outcome of the election of 1876. White Control of South List & explain 6 ways that African Americans rights were limited after reconstruction ended. Identify: Ku Klux Klan, Freedmen's Bureau, segregation Who was Booker T. Washington & what was his strategy? Who was W.E.B. Du Bois & what was his strategy?


What does adaptation mean? Can I get a kid def and not a hard def? thank you!

What does adaptation mean? Can I get a kid def and not a hard def? thank you!


What is $60 increased by 15%

What is $60 increased by 15%


These were all successful franchises in the 2010s except a) The Hunger Games b) Planet of the Apes: Reboot c) Twilight Saga d) Ghost Busters e) Bourne

These were all successful franchises in the 2010s except a) The Hunger Games b) Planet of the Apes: Reboot c) Twilight Saga d) Ghost Busters e) Bourne


hannah is making muffins. the recipe calls for 2/3 cups of milk to make 8 muffins. what is the unit rate for cups of milk?

hannah is making muffins. the recipe calls for 2/3 cups of milk to make 8 muffins. what is the unit rate for cups of milk?


In the years closely following World War 2, many African Americans..... A) called for a return to isolationism B) had a difficulty finding jobs in the strugglin

In the years closely following World War 2, many African Americans..... A) called for a return to isolationism B) had a difficulty finding jobs in the struggling economy C) wanted the government to play a smaller role in economic affairs D) renewed their efforts to work for civil rights


5 phrases au presente y change les ay passé compose et futur simple aussi

5 phrases au presente y change les ay passé compose et futur simple aussi


Which excerpt from Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close reveals a childish tone?

Which excerpt from Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close reveals a childish tone?


What advantage did the astrolabe give sailors?

What advantage did the astrolabe give sailors?


International law lacks what H.L.A. Hart called a "rule of recognition"--a single basic rule that validates and systematizes norms as law. The lack of an author

International law lacks what H.L.A. Hart called a "rule of recognition"--a single basic rule that validates and systematizes norms as law. The lack of an authoritative process for establishing a hierarchy among various types of international laws causes the uncertainty problem Hart identified. However, Hart wrote that we must "emancipate ourselves from the assumption that international law must contain a basic rule". (The Concept of Law, p. 236) Hart thinks international law resembles a primitive legal structure having primary rules but no secondary rules. But the primary rules can still bind. He writes, "The rules of the simple structure are...binding if they are accepted and function as such." (CoL, p. 235) Do you think international law would benefit from a rule of recognition--or is a relatively primitive legal structure more conducive to peace


Which of the following scenarios present an ethical issue? a. you misquoted a source in your initial document that was sent for review b. you mistakenly send a

Which of the following scenarios present an ethical issue? a. you misquoted a source in your initial document that was sent for review b. you mistakenly send a friendly message to the president's email address c. you find a serious flaw in the existing organizational database D. you refer your friend's name for a job interview at your firm


We describe sound waves in terms of pressure. Given this, for a standing wave in a tube open at each end, the open ends of the tube are .

We describe sound waves in terms of pressure. Given this, for a standing wave in a tube open at each end, the open ends of the tube are .


The reason animals And humans possess a fight or flight response is to

The reason animals And humans possess a fight or flight response is to
